To the Nines "Home"- nearly there

Hi! I've had a busy day, and did not get everything accomplished that I wanted, but still...a lot got done! Before I go sit down for the evening, I wanted to share some more progress photos of the To the Nines "Home" illustration: start of inking the lines. shading in warm greys the very first layers of color! At this point in the journey, all the base colors and a few layers have been added (not shown). I so wanted to have it completed tonight, but I also do not want to rush things. I've always held the notion that I should let the art sit out of sight for a day or so once I think it is "finished" before I truly finish. A fresh set of eyes and a different perspective often reveal loose ends. I should have it all scanned and posted to share by Sunday, probably will make it the featured art for November. Hmmm, sounds like an extra post is in order this week... Until then, be well! Xo! Em