
 Oopsies, it's been two years... I've been making art that whole time, but keeping up with all the online stuff is just not my forte. I don't even mess with social media anymore- a decision that was made for my mental health, and you know what? RECOMMEND. Anyhow, a quick update- I have hashed out a schedule for updating my "online presence" on a regular basis- once a month I will update my art galleries , my blog, and my web shop with art, prints, news, dolls, whatever I have going on.  Hopefully, I will not fall off again and disappear into the void. Here are some custom dolls I've made (and since sold) in the past two years: These ladies, along with others, will be added to my doll gallery eventually. I am *really* behind with the updates, y'all. I do apologize.  Oh, what else...I have been considering re-opening my etsy shop, I am hesitant, because is it necessary? Another thing to keep tabs on...I'm not sure yet. In the case that I do decide to,

A Ramble and Sunday auction sneak peek

 Hi hi! I'm just popping in here to give an update- I have been off visiting family, and I am home for about 10 minutes before I go off to house sit for some friends.  It has been a rather busy summer- great to distract from the oppressive heat!  Honestly, I am tolerant of it mostly, as long as I stay out of direct sunlight.  I think I might be turning into a vampire, really, the sun HURTS me, my eyes mostly. They just start watering as soon as it hits high noon. Sunglasses help a little, but I tend to stick to the shade when I am out and about. Ummm, not a lot of new projects to show, everything is still in my head or just chicken scratches on scrap paper.  I have taken a long break from the To the Nines project series.  I think I will save those for cold winter days, as they need a lot of focus, and I get distracted easily in the warm weather.  It's a seasonal thing for me- I gather a lot of inspiration while I am busy running around in the spring and summer- filling my eyes

Monster High Lagoona Lalaloopsy Doll, ACEO Sunday sneak peek, ++ ramblings

 Uggh, hiii So...currently existing in a haze of frustration of myself. Well, I'd say it's more like a mist. Not too thick, just...annoying. Yes, I am annoyed at being continuously frustrated with myself. Does that make any sense? Who knows. SO, I have FINISHED some dolls! Emily the Strange is complete and pretty much ready to find a new home- I need to draft a listing for her, though I suspect I may run into a weird copyright issue trying to list her on eBay. I've already had issues trying to get her Certificate of Authenticity made up. (ramble happening) Normally, I order out for the doll COAs, as I wanted a nice, smooth, perfect looking card. However, the place I order from is refusing to print up her COA as it goes against their copyright policies...Fine, I will print one up myself, fiiine, ughhh.   Oh, the printer is out of ink. Right-o, I have another cartridge ready to go. Oh, well, it doesn't recognize the black cartridge. Cool, coolcoolcool. So, I am currently

Doll progress and sneak peek!

Hi hi! It is HOT here...mostly skipped right over spring. But there is sunshine, and birds and flowers everywhere, and leaves on the trees! (Yay privacy and shade!) For some strange reason, every time it gets very hot, my mind bothers me to watch Stephen King movies. Mainly the old ones such as Christine, Cujo, the original Pet Semetary, etc...there is something quite nostalgic about them. I no longer question it. Anyhow, I have been making SLOW progress on my latest Monster High repainted doll. This one will be an Emily the Strange- another nostalgic thing for me. I first "met" Emily in the late 90's, down in the Little Five Points section of Atlanta. Please know- I realize this is like a HUGE drug haven now, but back then it was more the "quirky little art town" within the larger city, and it reminded us of our towns up north, so we would go visit on the weekends sometimes. Of course I am SURE there were drugs there at that time too. BUT WHATEVER, we are tal

Quick Hello!

Oh..hiii! Got back from my sister's wedding in Florida on Monday, realized I had a lot of things to attend to, and proceeded to do none of those things. Now, I admit I should have planned more thoroughly for my return. But the best I can muster is one day at a time right now. So...I will be taking a week off from listing new original art. I just need the extra week to regain my bearings. I am not a "good traveler" in a lot of ways- any trip I take is fueled mainly by anxiety. Add an important wedding into the mix, and I am basically traumatised. Dont get me wrong, the wedding was beautiful, my sister had her day and the happy couple is now a married couple. basically a wild animal, and do not understand well enough the workings of like...regular humans in society. I like to wear sweatpants and no bra. I do not care what my hair looks like, I do not wear makeup. I did not know what a "blow out" was until last week. (FYI- it's getting your hair profe

Work in Progress ACEOs!

 Ah, I see I skipped last week :/ Well, I do have a work in progress photo of a new batch of ACEOs, and of course a sneak peek of the Sunday auction! Besides that, I am kind of boring lately, maybe I will ramble a bit... Okee, first- I managed to remember to take a snapshot of this new batch of ACEOs before finishing them: They are coming along well now, I've lined them all in ink and will shade them in grey ink soon. Then colors!  Sunday's auction this week will be a sweet little fairy and a bumble bee: She is titled "Bumble Buds" and again, she will be up for auction on eBay starting this upcoming Sunday (4/17, also Easter I see my calendar is telling me). There are a handful of new ACEOs listed right now, you can browse through them if you want to: see HERE !  Um, I guess I don't have much to ramble about...wanting to make up some t shirt designs, and I had an idea for my next doll project (who knows when i will get to her!)  Xo, though! Em

NEW DOLL! Plus sneak peek, ramble, and some printed goods

 Okay, well Happy April Fool's Day...  Something of note: I am very very partial to jesters and the classic "King's Fool" trope, and over the years have drawn TONS of jesters, clowns, jokers, and all sorts of strange-humored creatures...In fact, the little demon nymphs I've taken to drawing over the past while certainly have their roots in my jester art.   Of course, all I have to share today are pretty fairies (sorry lol!) but is SPRINGTIME and I am ready to only have to wear one pair of pants when I go outside. There are flowers poking out through the mud now, and the other day I even saw a wasp!  So, I suppose the fairies are appropriate :) Very first, I have a Featured Art for April up on my website- she is a repainted Monster High Operetta doll going by Gloria now.  Fashioned after a purple poofy flower of some unknown variety, she is very pleased to make your acquaintance.  For more info on her, photos, and all her little details (what I made her