
October Update- Autumn! Halloween! Dolls!

You guys Happy October! It is my FAVORITE time of the year- the colors, the smells, the thin veil! Also, wicked hectic and just dang busy.  As a result, I have done a very small amount of art this month.  Or rather, I have a very small amount of it finished and ready to show. But it is Halloween-esque, so let's go: Samoween Treat is a custom 'Trick R Treat' Sam character doll, created with a Monster High G3 Toralei doll.  Her orange basetone and her weird little smirk sculpt inspired me to finally make a Sam, and I am pretty pleased with how she came out. Everything is handmade, her hair is rooted acrylic yarn, she has a wearable mask and other familiar accessories from the movie.   The website has not been updated with her likeness yet, but the doll herself is available for purchase in my etsy shop: You can see many photos, check out her accessories and outfit in detail, and read more about her there, too!  Another doll, now...and one of my favorite hor

September Update- Wendi the Wendigo, etsy's back, Zazzle merch, and more

 OMFG I do NOT want to be on this dang computer. but OMFG I really want to share this new doll, and all the updates I have for the month! So, without further adieu, may I introduce Wendi: Wendi is a Skelita Calaveras custom, and a counterpart to the Flora doll.  This was my very first Skelita make-over, and I was nervous, I always get nervous when I make the creepy dolls. I just want them to be NOT PRETTY but NOT UGLY and also resemble the look I have in my head. I think I did okay with her, I really like how her eyes turned out- a slight bit off, wanted to give her a dead stare, as she is...a dead thing, you know?   She is up for auction on eBay HERE , with lots more pictures and a little write up.  If she does not find a new home from eBay, I will be putting her up in my freshly re-opened etsy shop: I am also hoping to get some other doll related items listed on etsy in the soonish future, as it is a bit empty over there at the moment.   Um, I have been prepping a

August update- Flora the Fawn

 So, hello! This update is doll heavy, fair warning. For one thing, I have updated my custom doll gallery on the website- some new faces are there to be seen now! Not all the finished dollies are up there yet, like I keep saying I am behind with the updates (like, a YEAR behind) and I have a lot of art. But more so, I just don't want to be spending all my art time updating my website. I know that's hOw YOu mAKe MONey but I am still only mildly enticed by that sentiment.  Anyway, new dolls to behold can be found on my Doll Gallery  page- clicking on the thumbnails will bring you to their individual pages with more photos, a little write up, and details on outfits, shoes, and accessories. I also have a freshly finished doll that I've just listed for auction on eBay- HERE . Her name is Flora, and she is one of two sisters, the other will be coming along in a few weeks.) She is a very sunny fawn girl- I had this urge to go with a cottagecore theme. So here is a quick look at he
 Oopsies, it's been two years... I've been making art that whole time, but keeping up with all the online stuff is just not my forte. I don't even mess with social media anymore- a decision that was made for my mental health, and you know what? RECOMMEND. Anyhow, a quick update- I have hashed out a schedule for updating my "online presence" on a regular basis- once a month I will update my art galleries , my blog, and my web shop with art, prints, news, dolls, whatever I have going on.  Hopefully, I will not fall off again and disappear into the void. Here are some custom dolls I've made (and since sold) in the past two years: These ladies, along with others, will be added to my doll gallery eventually. I am *really* behind with the updates, y'all. I do apologize.  Oh, what else...I have been considering re-opening my etsy shop, I am hesitant, because is it necessary? Another thing to keep tabs on...I'm not sure yet. In the case that I do decide to,

A Ramble and Sunday auction sneak peek

 Hi hi! I'm just popping in here to give an update- I have been off visiting family, and I am home for about 10 minutes before I go off to house sit for some friends.  It has been a rather busy summer- great to distract from the oppressive heat!  Honestly, I am tolerant of it mostly, as long as I stay out of direct sunlight.  I think I might be turning into a vampire, really, the sun HURTS me, my eyes mostly. They just start watering as soon as it hits high noon. Sunglasses help a little, but I tend to stick to the shade when I am out and about. Ummm, not a lot of new projects to show, everything is still in my head or just chicken scratches on scrap paper.  I have taken a long break from the To the Nines project series.  I think I will save those for cold winter days, as they need a lot of focus, and I get distracted easily in the warm weather.  It's a seasonal thing for me- I gather a lot of inspiration while I am busy running around in the spring and summer- filling my eyes

Monster High Lagoona Lalaloopsy Doll, ACEO Sunday sneak peek, ++ ramblings

 Uggh, hiii So...currently existing in a haze of frustration of myself. Well, I'd say it's more like a mist. Not too thick, just...annoying. Yes, I am annoyed at being continuously frustrated with myself. Does that make any sense? Who knows. SO, I have FINISHED some dolls! Emily the Strange is complete and pretty much ready to find a new home- I need to draft a listing for her, though I suspect I may run into a weird copyright issue trying to list her on eBay. I've already had issues trying to get her Certificate of Authenticity made up. (ramble happening) Normally, I order out for the doll COAs, as I wanted a nice, smooth, perfect looking card. However, the place I order from is refusing to print up her COA as it goes against their copyright policies...Fine, I will print one up myself, fiiine, ughhh.   Oh, the printer is out of ink. Right-o, I have another cartridge ready to go. Oh, well, it doesn't recognize the black cartridge. Cool, coolcoolcool. So, I am currently

Doll progress and sneak peek!

Hi hi! It is HOT here...mostly skipped right over spring. But there is sunshine, and birds and flowers everywhere, and leaves on the trees! (Yay privacy and shade!) For some strange reason, every time it gets very hot, my mind bothers me to watch Stephen King movies. Mainly the old ones such as Christine, Cujo, the original Pet Semetary, etc...there is something quite nostalgic about them. I no longer question it. Anyhow, I have been making SLOW progress on my latest Monster High repainted doll. This one will be an Emily the Strange- another nostalgic thing for me. I first "met" Emily in the late 90's, down in the Little Five Points section of Atlanta. Please know- I realize this is like a HUGE drug haven now, but back then it was more the "quirky little art town" within the larger city, and it reminded us of our towns up north, so we would go visit on the weekends sometimes. Of course I am SURE there were drugs there at that time too. BUT WHATEVER, we are tal