Late January Hello!
Well, the holidays got the best of me.
Between festivities, work, customs, and general duties, I did not update my blog, website, and even fell off my Sunday eBay auction routine :(
But I am back now, and I have a sneak peek of the next 2 Sunday auctions! Also, a bit of insight into my current projects, which were also taking up more time than I thought they would (my bad).
First, the fresh new arts- this upcoming Sunday (February 2) I will be listing "Pebble Pixie" for auction on eBay with a starting bid of $8.50:
Generally I post them around 11am PST, though sometimes I am running a bit depends on the work day (yes, I work weekends and I list things from my phone).
So, I have not updated my website/galleries with any new art or dolls, though I do have some that I need to get to (we will get back on the website update train in Feb!) A few new dolls, a few new fantasy creatures...and hopefully some stuff in my etsy shop!
I have decided to use the etsy shop for dolls and doll related items, with a few art prints sprinkled in here and there. Been working on shoes- tiny shoes, teeny tiny spike heels, block heels, even some object heels...sandals. socks. and sewing some basic clothing items- little t shirts, tank tops, skirts. Bodysuits. More socks. Brainstorming a lot more stuff and scribbling it down frantically. My studio is a mess, I have to move things to work on other things. There is NO space anymore, so I am really just focusing on getting these tiny fashion parts perfected and catalogued for selling. But here is a picture of one sandal prototype:
I suppose that is it for now. Surviving winter, tinkering in my studio, just living my simple life and being thankful for being able to do that.
Many hugs
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