September Update- Wendi the Wendigo, etsy's back, Zazzle merch, and more

 OMFG I do NOT want to be on this dang computer.

but OMFG I really want to share this new doll, and all the updates I have for the month!

So, without further adieu, may I introduce Wendi:

Wendigo Monster High Doll Repaint

Wendigo Monster High Doll Repaint

Wendi is a Skelita Calaveras custom, and a counterpart to the Flora doll.  This was my very first Skelita make-over, and I was nervous, I always get nervous when I make the creepy dolls. I just want them to be NOT PRETTY but NOT UGLY and also resemble the look I have in my head. I think I did okay with her, I really like how her eyes turned out- a slight bit off, wanted to give her a dead stare, as she is...a dead thing, you know?  

She is up for auction on eBay HERE, with lots more pictures and a little write up.  If she does not find a new home from eBay, I will be putting her up in my freshly re-opened etsy shop:

I am also hoping to get some other doll related items listed on etsy in the soonish future, as it is a bit empty over there at the moment.  

Um, I have been prepping a lot of garden veggies that my neighbor brings over....and it is almost baking season again! YEEEE! I make a lot of chocolate chip cookies over the year, but it gets too hot to turn the oven on in the summer, so other than the cookies here and there, I wait to bake until it is cooler. With the added bonus of autumn goodies, it makes the house smell delicious and feel so cozy. But for now, just lots of salsa, tomato sauce, lots of summer squash, zucchini, and carrots. 

In other, less exciting (but still interesting) updates- I have some new prints and coasters available through Zazzle, the website galleries have had an update (specifically Doll and Fairy), and ummmm there is a sneak peek of the Sunday auctions on my homepage if you have interest in peeking!

Okay, I'm out this biatchah! Hugs to you all <3 I'll be back here in a month or so.




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