Spring Garden
Hi hi! Well, brand new art today! I kind of pulled myself out of my funk, at least enough to do some chores and make (and FINISH!) some art. Being stuck inside due to frigid temps, I decided a bunch of bright flowers and a variety of fairy folk would do me well...so here I have "Spring Garden": This is a set of four (4) ACEOs that make up one larger image...a puzzle of sorts...This is a smaller version of my "To the Nines" ACEO series. Each ACEO section features a different "flavor" of fairy, and some matching little friends, over a colorful backdrop of art nouveau style flowers, leaves, and vines. Each ACEO will be sold individually- I have three of them listed right now on eBay. These three have Buy it Now option enabled, so if someone scoops them that way first, the auction disappears, so go quickly if you are interested! The remaining ACEO in the set will be up for auction with no Buy it Now, so everyone can have a chance at getting one! The three wi...