Doll Gallery- Live on Website

Hi hi! Well, at long last I have managed to publish the doll gallery on my website! At first I didn't bother with it, as I had only made a few dolls and they were FAR in between, so I did not know if this was just one of my phases or what. Then, after deciding that I love it and will be repainting more dolls, they deserved their own spot on the website. But I only had a few! Not worth posting just a few, I thought, so I saved them up and then I had a fair amount...and a fair amount of other website work that I had also been neglecting. Of course. So, it took a little longer than it should have, but to view the doll gallery, please click HERE ! (I was too lazy to make a banner, lol) More dolls will be added over time, of course. Also, to celebrate the Doll Gallery "Opening", I have listed a little Jester Doll on eBay- she is a custom Shopkins Shoppie doll, mostly cute with a dash of creepy... Click HERE to see the eBay listing for ...