Monster High Lagoona Lalaloopsy Doll, ACEO Sunday sneak peek, ++ ramblings

Uggh, hiii So...currently existing in a haze of frustration of myself. Well, I'd say it's more like a mist. Not too thick, just...annoying. Yes, I am annoyed at being continuously frustrated with myself. Does that make any sense? Who knows. SO, I have FINISHED some dolls! Emily the Strange is complete and pretty much ready to find a new home- I need to draft a listing for her, though I suspect I may run into a weird copyright issue trying to list her on eBay. I've already had issues trying to get her Certificate of Authenticity made up. (ramble happening) Normally, I order out for the doll COAs, as I wanted a nice, smooth, perfect looking card. However, the place I order from is refusing to print up her COA as it goes against their copyright policies...Fine, I will print one up myself, fiiine, ughhh. Oh, the printer is out of ink. Right-o, I have another cartridge ready to go. Oh, well, it doesn't recognize the black cartridge. Cool, coolcoolcool. So, I am currently ...