Doll progress and sneak peek!

Hi hi! It is HOT here...mostly skipped right over spring. But there is sunshine, and birds and flowers everywhere, and leaves on the trees! (Yay privacy and shade!) For some strange reason, every time it gets very hot, my mind bothers me to watch Stephen King movies. Mainly the old ones such as Christine, Cujo, the original Pet Semetary, etc...there is something quite nostalgic about them. I no longer question it. Anyhow, I have been making SLOW progress on my latest Monster High repainted doll. This one will be an Emily the Strange- another nostalgic thing for me. I first "met" Emily in the late 90's, down in the Little Five Points section of Atlanta. Please know- I realize this is like a HUGE drug haven now, but back then it was more the "quirky little art town" within the larger city, and it reminded us of our towns up north, so we would go visit on the weekends sometimes. Of course I am SURE there were drugs there at that time too. BUT WHATEVER, we are tal...