Oopsies, it's been two years... I've been making art that whole time, but keeping up with all the online stuff is just not my forte. I don't even mess with social media anymore- a decision that was made for my mental health, and you know what? RECOMMEND. Anyhow, a quick update- I have hashed out a schedule for updating my "online presence" on a regular basis- once a month I will update my art galleries , my blog, and my web shop with art, prints, news, dolls, whatever I have going on. Hopefully, I will not fall off again and disappear into the void. Here are some custom dolls I've made (and since sold) in the past two years: These ladies, along with others, will be added to my doll gallery eventually. I am *really* behind with the updates, y'all. I do apologize. Oh, what else...I have been considering re-opening my etsy shop, I am hesitant, because is it necessary? Another thing to keep tabs on...I'm not sure yet. In the case that I do decide to, ...